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The Michigan Man Podcast

Welcome To The Michigan Man Podcast - For Wolverine Fans From Coast To Coast

Sep 1, 2010

The View From Section 17: UConn fun facts

UConn Previews: Kevin Meacham from The UConn Blog and Brian Cook from MGOBlog join me to preview this weeks opener.

Website: - Email: Listner Line: 313 263-4842. Open 24/7 for your audio posts. Give us a call and we'll get you on a future show.

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Thanks to our guests today. Kevin Meacham from The UConn BLog - and Brian Cook from MGOBlog -

Coming up next week: Jeff Contizano from The Fifth Quarter - A Michigan Football Blog, joins us to recap the UConn game and preview the upcoming trip to South Bend. For the ND angle our guest will be blogger Biscuit from Her Loyal Sons. Ready for download next Wednesday September 8th.

Today's show is sponsored by Robin Lynn Productions. Contact them for all of your corporate, radio & television, podcasting, and e-learning narration projects.  GO BLUE!


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