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The Michigan Man Podcast

Welcome To The Michigan Man Podcast - For Wolverine Fans From Coast To Coast

Nov 26, 2010

1) The Angel of The Big House, Angelique Chengelis, Michigan beat writer from The Detroit News joins us to preview the Buckeye's.

2) Visitor Segment: Jim Lodico from The Buckeye Blog gives us the Buckeye's perspective on The Game.

Subscribe to The Michigan Man Podcast at the I-Tunes store. Click below.

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Listener Line: 313 263-4842. Call us anytime and leave an audio post we can use on the show.

Thanks to our guests today. Angelique Chengelis from The Detroit News & Jim Lodico of The Buckeye Blog. We'll be back on Monday to recap the OSU game. Dave from MaizeNBrew will be our guest.

The Michigan Man Podcast is brought to you by Robin Lynn Productions. Visit us at for all of your narration and voiceover needs.


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