Feb 15, 2012
1) The View From Section 17 - Spring Football game weekend schedule is released.
2) Michigan Insider - Michigan Football recruiting analyst Ace Anbender is back for part 2 of our 2012 recruiting breakdown.
3) Wolverine Quick Hits - The lastest Basketball, Hockey, and Softball news.
Website: www.gbmwolverine.com Emai: themichiganmanpodcast@yahoo.com Listener Line: 313 263-4842. Open 24/7.
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Thanks again to Ace Anbender for being our guest the last two weeks. For the very best in Michigan Football recruiting news follow Ace at www.mgoblog.com. Next week we talk Michigan hoops with Wolverine beat writer Mark Snyder from The Detroit Free Press. Don't miss it next Wednesday, February 22nd. Until then - GO BLUE!