Jul 1, 2016
1) Michigan Man Extra: Jay Flannelly, better know in Wolverine circles as The Beav of Endzone fame, joins me to talk Chad Tough and Meeeechigan football
Website: www.maizenbrew.com Listener Line: 313 263-4842 open 24/7 for your calls. Email: themichiganmanpodcast@yahoo.com
Happy 4th of July everyone! I'll be back next Tuesday with our next regular program. My guest will be former Wolverine Marc Ramirez who has been in the local and national media spotlight recently because of his astonishing reversal of numerous health issues because of his plant based lifestyle. This is good stuff. Don't miss it! Go Blue!
Visit www.chadtough.org. Learn more about what you can do to help Tammi & Jason Carr fight DIPG!
Are you ready for some Meeeechigan football? It's coming! So is a unique new sports game app that Meeechigan fans will love. It's FREE to play, fun for all ages and levels of sports fans. Available soon from I-Tunes & Google. Did I mention you could earn prizes and even monetize this app? For more details email us at playitfirst@yahoo.com. Play it first! GO BLUE!