Jul 3, 2012
1) The View From Section 17 - Happy 4th of July! Welcome to our first 2012 preview.
2) Michigan Insider - Zach Travis from Maize N Brew joins us on our first 2012 football preview show.
3) Wolverine Quick Hits - Before the season gets underway make sure you become a member here at GBMWolverine.
Website: www.gbmwolverine.com Email: themichiganmanpodcast@yahoo.com Listener Line: 313 263-4842. Open 24/7
Listen for free from your laptop or desktop. Click the I-Tunes link below.
Thanks to Zach Travis from Maize N Brew for being our guest today. Follow Zach and the rest of his talented writers at www.maizenbrew.com. Our next show will be on Wednesday July 18th. Our guest will be Andy Reid from The Wolverine. Don't miss it. Until then, have a Happy 4th of July, and GO BLUE!